

_scatter_grid_depth(→ None)

scattered plot of the grid depth

_plot_grid_land_mask(→ None)

plot land mask of the TESEO grid

_plot_coastline(→ None)

plot coastline polygons

_plot_grid_extent(→ None)

plot grid extent

_plot_currents_extent(→ None)

plot extent of currents forcing

_plot_winds_extent(df[, ax])

_plot_waves_extent(df[, ax])

_plot_properties(→ None)

plot spill propierties results in a chart

_plot_particles_hexabin(→ None)

get_hexbin_props(df, hexagon_width)

_plot_particles_hist2d(df, time_id, spill_id, dx_degrees)

Module Contents

pyteseo.plot.basics._scatter_grid_depth(df_grid: pandas.DataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None) None

scattered plot of the grid depth

  • df_grid (pd.DataFrame) – grid data [lon, lat, depth, …].

  • ax (Axes, optional) – specific axes to plot on. Defaults to None.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_grid_land_mask(df_grid: pandas.DataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None) None

plot land mask of the TESEO grid

  • df_grid (pd.DataFrame) – grid data [lon, lat ,depth]

  • ax (Axes) – specific axes to plot on. Defaults to None.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_coastline(gdf_coastline: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None) None

plot coastline polygons

  • gdf_coastline (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – closed polygons of the coastline.

  • ax (Axes, optional) – specific axes to plot on. Defaults to None.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_grid_extent(df: pandas.DataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None) None

plot grid extent

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – TESEO grid data [lon, lat, …].

  • ax (Axes, optional) – specific axes to plot on. Defaults to None.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_currents_extent(df: pandas.DataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None) None

plot extent of currents forcing

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – currents data [lon, lat, …]

  • ax (Axes, optional) – specific axes to plot on. Defaults to None.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_winds_extent(df: pandas.DataFrame, ax=None)
pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_waves_extent(df: pandas.DataFrame, ax=None)
pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_properties(df: pandas.DataFrame, spill_id: int, ax=None) None

plot spill propierties results in a chart

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – spills properties data [time, spill_id, variables…].

  • spill_id (int) – id of the spill.

  • show (bool, optional) – visulization flag. Defaults to True.


ValueError – Wrong spill id.

pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_particles_hexabin(df: pandas.DataFrame, time_id: int, spill_id: int, dx_degrees=0.01, dx_m=None, ax=None) None
pyteseo.plot.basics.get_hexbin_props(df, hexagon_width)
pyteseo.plot.basics._plot_particles_hist2d(df: pandas.DataFrame, time_id: int, spill_id: int, dx_degrees: float, ax=None)