3. Export TESEO results

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3.1. Install pyTESEO

  • If you are running this notebook from Google colab uncomment and run !pip install pyteseo && pyteseo-tests in the cell below. Doing this you will install pyteseo from pypi repository and run pyteseo-tests to check the installation (all tests have to succeed).

  • If you are using this notebook in your own local machine you need to install the library from the local repo pip install . or pypi pip install pyteseo.

# !pip install pyteseo && pyteseo-tests

3.2. Read TESEO’s result files and export them to stadard formats (csv, json, geojson, nc).

import warnings

  1. Define paths

# path where example data needed by the use case is located
from pathlib import Path
import pyteseo.tests as tests_

results_path = Path(tests_.__file__).parent / "data"

output_dir = Path("test_notebook3").resolve()
  1. Read TESEO’s result-files

from pyteseo.io.results import (

df_particles = read_particles_results(results_path)
df_properties = read_properties_results(results_path)
df_grids = read_grids_results(results_path)
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 from pyteseo.io.results import (
      2     read_particles_results,
      3     read_properties_results,
      4     read_grids_results,
      5 )
      7 df_particles = read_particles_results(results_path)
      8 df_properties = read_properties_results(results_path)

ImportError: cannot import name 'read_particles_results' from 'pyteseo.io.results' (/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyteseo/io/results.py)
  1. Export to other formats

from pyteseo.export.particles import export_particles
from pyteseo.export.properties import export_properties
from pyteseo.export.grids import export_grids

# Particles
export_particles(df_particles, "csv", output_dir)
export_particles(df_particles, "json", output_dir)

# Properties
export_properties(df_properties, "csv", output_dir)
export_properties(df_properties, "json", output_dir)

# Grids
export_grids(df_grids, "csv", output_dir)
export_grids(df_grids, "json", output_dir)
export_grids(df_grids, "nc", output_dir)
[spill_001] Particles successfully exported to CSV @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/particles_001.csv

[spill_001] Particles successfully exported to JSON @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/particles_001.json

[spill_001] Properties successfully exported to CSV @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/properties_001.csv

[spill_002] Properties successfully exported to CSV @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/properties_002.csv

[spill_001] Properties successfully exported to JSON @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/properties_001.json

[spill_002] Properties successfully exported to JSON @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/properties_002.json

[spill_001] Grids successfully exported to CSV @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_001.csv

[spill_002] Grids successfully exported to CSV @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_002.csv

[spill_001] Grids successfully exported to JSON @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_001.json

[spill_002] Grids successfully exported to JSON @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_002.json

[spill_001] Grids successfully exported to NC @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_001.nc

[spill_002] Grids successfully exported to NC @ /home/aragong/repositories/pyteseo/docs/notebooks/test_notebook3/grids_002.nc
# Delete all generated files
import shutil

from pyteseo.io.grid import read_grid
from pyteseo.io.coastline import read_coastline

df_grid = read_grid(results_path / "grid.dat", nan_value=-9999)
df_coastline = read_coastline(results_path / "coastline.dat")

ax = df_grid.plot.scatter(
    x="lon", y="lat", c="depth", figsize=(16, 9), label="bathymetry"
df_coastline.plot.line(ax=ax, x="lon", y="lat", color="grey", label="coastline")
df_particles.loc[df_particles["time"] == 1.5].plot.scatter(
    ax=ax, x="lon", y="lat", c="red", marker="x", label="Particles"

ax.set(xlim=(-3.835, -3.77), ylim=(43.42, 43.46))
[(-3.835, -3.77), (43.42, 43.46)]